inDrive is a mobility app that lets both passengers and drivers get a fair deal across 46 countries worldwide.

Having been a startup from a remote region ourselves, 
we understand the difficulty of overcoming unfair barriers.
That's why we aim to challenge injustice and create equal opportunities for people and communities globally through our non-profit division, inVision.
social projects worldwide
beneficiaries  directly impacted
social value created
people impacted by inVision projects
Our mission is to drive meaningful change by empowering people. We use new technologies, scientific achievements, engineering, and art 
to improve the quality of life in underprivileged communities around the world.
inVision programs inspire creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, gender equality and inclusivity, with a focus on arts, education, science, and sports. To us, this area of work is a long-term commitment.
By 2030 we hope to achieve the overall goal of positively impacting the lives of 1 billion people.

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